Delve into the Top 1%: Diamonds with the 8X® Ultimate Cut Grade

Ever wondered about the crème de la crème of diamond cuts?

GCAL by Sarine's 8X® Ultimate Cut Grade is the epitome of diamond brilliance! 
The 8X® Ultimate Cut Grade was developed to distinguish the best of the best diamonds. In today’s market, While over 70% of natural round brilliant diamonds and 85% of lab-grown diamonds boast "excellent" cut grades, less than 1% of diamonds make the cut for the 8X grade.

This innovative grading system comprehensively evaluates every facet of diamond cut quality. In order to attain an 8X cut grade, a diamond must excel in three distinct factors and achieve excellence across a total of eight different aspects in the assessment of cut quality. Only extraordinarily brilliant and beautiful diamonds achieve EXCELLENT grades in all the EIGHT aspects of CUT quality assessment.

Join us as we uncover the eight critical factors that set the world's finest diamond cuts apart!



Physical Excellence

The first three of the 8X grading factors analyze the exactness of the physical surface, the facet shapes, as well as the angles. 


1. Polish

Achieving 8X® Ultimate Cut Grade starts with a meticulous evaluation of the diamond’s Polish. Crafting a flawlessly polished diamond demands immense skill and dedication, involving an intricate process that takes time, and so does the grading process.

At GCAL by Sarine, our expert gemologists scrutinize every facet of the diamond's surface, ensuring it is free of imperfections such as scratches, nicks, pits, dop, white polish, burn marks, and more.



2. External Symmetry

The second characteristic evaluated in the 8X® Cut Grade system is External Symmetry. High-resolution scanning instruments and skilled gemologists evaluate every facet with precision. They scrutinize the size, equality, and alignment of each facet, ensuring they harmoniously complement one another.

From the alignment of the table facet and culet point to the symmetry of crown bezel facets with pavilion main facets, every detail is examined.

Next time you marvel at a diamond's brilliance, remember the skill required to cut and polish every facet. It's not just a gem; it's a masterpiece crafted with precision and passion

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3. Proportions

Next, Proportions play a crucial role as the 3rd characteristic evaluated. Decades of meticulous mathematical calculations have led us to identify the narrow proportion ranges necessary for crafting superior Ideal round brilliant cut diamonds.

Our precise scanning technology meticulously measures every facet, angle, and dimension, generating precise, to-scale diagrams for each diamond.

Similarly, for fancy-shaped diamonds, GCAL has extensively analyzed light performance data from hundreds of thousands of diamonds, pinpointing the precise proportion ranges essential for producing superior fancy-shaped diamonds.

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Light Performance Excellence

The next three of the 8X grading factors analyze the light-handling ability of your diamond. The combination of these factors is the essence of what makes any diamond visibly shine, dance, and sparkle from across a room.  

4. Optical Brilliance

And now we delve into Brilliance, the heart of the diamond’s allure. 
When evaluating a diamond’s 8X cut grade, the fourth characteristic that’s assessed is Optical Brilliance. This refers to the overall reflection of white light that can be seen by the observer. It’s precisely quantified to the thousandth decimal place as depicted in the image. The white areas on the image signify that the diamond has efficient light reflection, also known as brilliance, whereas dark blue areas indicate that there is light loss or leakage.

A well-cut diamond isn’t just a pretty sight; it’s a performance. Its ability to handle light effectively is what sets it aglow, capturing hearts even from afar. 

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5. Fire

Ever been spellbound by how a diamond dances with sunlight, painting vibrant bursts of color? That’s Fire – the enchanting 5th characteristic evaluated in our revolutionary 8X cut grade.

Fire is the captivating, colorful sparkle that results from white light dispersing into a rainbow within the diamond. These bursts of color enhance sparkle, especially with every graceful movement. It’s not just about beauty; Fire is a key factor in a diamond’s light performance, ensuring it never looks dull or lifeless.

Every 8X certificate features a mesmerizing Fire video, available for your viewing pleasure on our digital certificate verification page. Each video, comprising an incredible 200 frames, meticulously analyzes the diamond’s colored light return as it sways and shimmers.



6. Scintillation

Scintillation, the 6th element in the 8X cut grade evaluation, defines the sparkle factor of diamond light return assessment. It's those dazzling bright flashes that emerge as light reflects from every facet while the diamond moves. However, beware: an improper cut, low clarity, or poor polish can all diminish scintillation quality.

At GCAL by Sarine, we utilize Gemprint® technology to directly measure Scintillation. A single beam of light is directed into the diamond's center, measuring the number of light points emanating as the diamond is rotated and tilted in 9 different positions. Scintillation images undergo meticulous evaluation against a square background, then are cropped to the diamond's shape outline on the certificate. Explore the full scan on our website's certificate verification page to ensure your diamonds shine with unparalleled brilliance.



Optical Excellence

Last but certainly not least, the final two 8X grading factors meticulously examine the craftsmanship and precise alignment of crown and pavilion facets, harmonizing to achieve aesthetic perfection.

7. Optical Symmetry

Optical Symmetry focuses on the precise alignment of a diamond’s facets. This symmetry is visualized using our proprietary 5-angle reflector, developed by the Diamond Profile Laboratory in 1997 and exclusively used by GCAL since 2004.

The light return pattern, as shown in these images, reveals the perfection of facet alignment. Any deviations in angles appear as asymmetric patterns.

As in nature and art, symmetry in diamonds represents true craftsmanship and harmony. Our Optical Symmetry Analysis image highlights the beauty of consistent angles and facet alignment, making each diamond a masterpiece of precision.

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8. Hearts & Arrows

Shape Aesthetics is the eighth characteristic in the 8X cut grade evaluation, focusing on the unique beauty of each diamond shape.

For Round Brilliant Cuts, we assess the exquisite Hearts & Arrows (H&A) pattern. Precision facet placement and perfect alignment reveal a stunning display of eight “hearts” from the pavilion view and eight “arrows” from the crown view in special lighting. Unlike other labs, GCAL By Sarine's certificates showcase actual photos of each diamond’s H&A pattern.


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In conclusion

Mastering the art of diamond cut grade involves a meticulous and scientific process that examines various factors, from physical excellence to light performance. By understanding these eight factors, you gain insight into what makes a diamond truly exceptional. Whether you're a diamond enthusiast or an industry professional, this knowledge empowers you to appreciate and select diamonds with confidence.

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