The Diamond Blog

Sarine’s Data and Its Revolutionary Effect on Diamond Sales

Written by Michael Roque | Dec 30, 2021 1:09:00 PM

The data age is here, and you can bet that it isn’t going anywhere anytime soon. Whether it be that sweater you purchased online, the digital map you used to get to your friend’s house or any wearable tech you have on your body, data is constantly playing a role in our lives.

In case you didn’t know, practically any move you make online is added to a personal data profile. Advertisers, online shops and digital marketers use this data to provide you with content and advertisements that are fully customized by your digital footprint. Ultimately, this means that as data on you piles up throughout the years, the internet will feel more and more like a personalized world specifically built for you.

That said, data goes far beyond a convenient online experience. The mass of stored data around the world continues to build with every passing second. With that comes its growing integration on different facets of our society. How much you pay for car insurance is a perfect example. Insurance telematics collects data on your vehicle, driving patterns and other habits. This info is put up against the weather conditions and the traffic rate in your area and calculates your potential for risks and your appropriate insurance costs.

Naturally, data has already found a home in the diamond industry thanks to Sarine’s scanning, map grading and retail technologies. We have a source of data that is boosting the manufacturing process and consumer sales of these precious gems.


Sarine’s Data Collecting Method

As of 2021, it can be said without doubt that the majority of the world’s diamond manufacturers and gem labs are using Sarine devices. This isn’t something to take lightly. It means that on the journey from the mine to market, most of the world’s diamonds have found themselves brushing shoulders with a Sarine device.

What does this mean for diamonds and the industry as a whole? Let’s break it down. It doesn’t matter if it’s during the rough planning, cut analysis, the inclusion mapping, laser sawing, light performance measurement or 4Cs grading phase of the diamond’s process from rough to polished. While any of these are taking place, data on the diamond is being gathered and stored in Sarine’s centralized cloud system.

This has resulted in Sarine being the sole owner of the largest diamond data mine ever seen. Each diamond that passes through a Sarine device receives its own unique ID, which will act as a one-way ticket into the centralized cloud system, where a plethora of information about that specific diamond is stored.


Data and Manufacturing

Manufactures want nothing more than to get the maximum polished yield out of their rough diamonds. This is where the spotlight shines on Sarine’s planning technologies, like Galaxy™ (inclusion mapping) and Advisor™ (rough planning software). Using Advisor enables manufacturers to create their own cutting plans with levels of accuracy never before seen in the industry. Where a diamond’s carat weight, shape, clarity, value and market demand were once left to chance, the Advisor gives manufacturers the power to pushes a diamond to its full potential.

Sarine diamond measurement and analysis data are changing things for manufactures in two big ways. It boosts the potential revenue of their inventory and reduces the need for manpower. Overall, it maximizes their profits and reduces labor costs.

Diamond Grading in the Data Age

Another way that Sarine is taking the industry by storm is via diamond grading. Up until recently, it was a process completely human based. The vision of a traditional grader looking over a diamond with his loupe is certainly charming one, but it wasn’t without flaws. It was a process prone to false perception and bias. Two graders would never give a single diamond the same grade. In fact, graders would give a diamond they already graded a different grade upon a second examination.

Sarine’s AI technology is able to grade diamonds with precision and accuracy far beyond human capabilities. Furthermore, thanks to its machine learning capabilities, it perfects its algorithms with every diamond it scans and analyzes. This means that it’s already copious amounts of accuracy is on a constant rise.

Not only does this lend peace of mind to retailers and manufacturers, but also to customers. Never again do they have to second guess the grade of their diamond. They can know every nook and cranny of their gem with certainty. This opens the door to customers having more faith in the industry, an increase in sales and overall satisfaction all the way down the pipeline.

Data on The Retail Side

Retailers rejoice, because Sarine’s imaging and mobile technologies are delivering customers a one-of-a-kind in-store experience. Today, the product alone just isn’t enough, customers want a story to go with their purchase. Something that isn’t just fascinating, but also moral and honest.

This is exactly what The Sarine Profile™ is providing. It allows retailers to finally tell their customers a diamond’s complete journey. Getting that inside information is a sure-fire way to give customers an intimate relationship with their diamond. Something that was unheard of back in the day. That’s far from “it.”

Sarine data is also providing retailers with visual merchandising tools that will bring a diamond’s story to life right on the sale’s floor. The perfect example of this is the 3D Rough Origin Model™. Using a Sarine diamond’s ID number, retailers will be able access data in the centralized cloud system and bring up a replica of the diamond in its rough form, revealing the exact size, shape and any other small details it came with when it was first discovered.

Using data, Sarine has cleared a revolutionary path into the future of the diamond industry. From diamond manufacturing, to eGrading and all the way onto the sale’s floor, data is being used for the greater good of everyone down the diamond pipeline.