The Diamond Blog

June 2018

Advisor® Tender 1.0: The First Offline Rough Planning Software that Supports Windows 10

Diamond tenders, held in the main diamond trading hubs of the world, are the place where rough diamond traders and manufacturers inspect and purchase rough diamonds. These rough diamonds will be planned and cut for future sale in the polished diamond market.

June 2018

SPECTRUM - Diamond Industry News #23

Welcome once again to SPECTRUM, our periodic blog series focusing on a roundup of all the latest diamond industry news and trends. You know, we do this every month to two months, and no edition of SPECTRUM goes go by without a piece of fascinating news about diamonds from the world of science. Whether its diamonds found in outer[…]

June 2018

What Is Diamond Light Performance?

What Is Light Performance?

Light performance is the visual effect created by the play of light as it enters and exits a diamond, moving, bending and reflecting within the stone's facets. Light performance is a unique concept to diamonds. Unlike other gemstones, a diamond’s appearance is directly impacted by the way it interacts[…]

June 2018

5 Diamond Trade Shows You Shouldn’t Miss

For anyone in the diamond and jewelry industry, last week was a big one - the annual JCK show was held in Las Vegas. Touted as one of the most important diamond and jewelry trade shows in the US, JCK, which runs annually in late May to early June, is a good example of the way that trade shows can help knit together the various[…]