The Diamond Blog

June 2022

All signs point to diamonds entering the metaverse

As 2021 came to a close, opinions of the Metaverse were caught between people thinking it was going to be a quick generational fad and others thinking it would be the new internet, the game-changer that would propel us to the next level of technological advancement. Today, the Metaverse question is practically answered. Its impact[…]

June 2022

Top 5 Money-Saving Hacks on Diamond Engagement Rings

Is it about time to start ring shopping? Congratulations! This is undoubtedly the happiest and most exciting time of your life, but probably the most stressful as well. Naturally, you want all wedding-related to go exactly as you imagined and give your partner everything he/she wants and more! But I promise you this- if you follow[…]