The Diamond Blog

January 2024

LGD in 2024: A Retailer's Guide

The landscape of the diamond industry is evolving rapidly, with lab-grown diamonds (LGDs) having rapidly gainedprominence. In 2024, retailers in this space face both challenges and opportunities. In this blog, weexplore key strategies that can empower retailers to thrive in the dynamic market of lab-grown diamonds.

January 2024

The New Real, A New Narrative: Lab-Grown Diamonds

As consumers become more choice-conscious, they have also become more open to a new idea about diamonds: Lab Grown Diamonds, or LGDs.

In recent years, consumers have mostly stopped viewing LGDs as synthetic and artificial or ‘fake’ diamonds. They began to see them as real diamonds, and beautiful too. The big difference is how they[…]

January 2024

Diamond Reports Decoded: A Must-Read Before Your Jewelry Purchase

Are you on the hunt for the perfect diamond but feeling lost in the sea of options? We get it. Choosing the right diamond involves more than just a dazzling sparkle; it's about understanding its true worth.