

January 2024

The New Real, A New Narrative: Lab-Grown Diamonds

As consumers become more choice-conscious, they have also become more open to a new idea about diamonds: Lab Grown Diamonds, or LGDs.

In recent years, consumers have mostly stopped viewing LGDs as synthetic and artificial or ‘fake’ diamonds. They began to see them as real diamonds, and beautiful too. The big difference is how they[…]

December 2023

2024 Diamondscape: Leading Trends and the Shifting Landscape of Consumer Demands

As we step into 2024, we’ve compiled a roadmap for any diamond professional composed of all the dominant trends, marketing strategies, and cutting-edge innovations one needs to know to shine bright in 2024. 

March 2023

6 Amazing Ecommerce Blogs Every Jeweler Should Follow

If you're new to the world of online retailing and want to get ahead in the e-commerce jewelry business, it will require dedication, time, and effort. But trying to figure out the best strategies for your e-commerce dream, searching for answers online, or paying excessive amounts of money to professionals may not be the most[…]

February 2023

Brand Experience That Sells: A Guide to Perfecting Your Strategy in 2023

At any given moment, people are forming opinions about your brand.

December 2022
June 2022

Top 5 Money-Saving Hacks on Diamond Engagement Rings

Is it about time to start ring shopping? Congratulations! This is undoubtedly the happiest and most exciting time of your life, but probably the most stressful as well. Naturally, you want all wedding-related to go exactly as you imagined and give your partner everything he/she wants and more! But I promise you this- if you follow[…]

April 2022

Which Technologies Luxury Brands Use To Succeed Revealed

We live in an exciting time where technology is advancing at an exponential rate. There are constantly new developments happening in the technological world, and every industry has been changed and improved by it. No matter the size of your business, technology has both tangible and intangible benefits that can help you increase[…]

April 2022

Diamond Reports That Give Consumers a Choice

In a time when concepts like sustainability and traceability have firm grips on the minds of millennial and Gen Z consumers, it’s the Sarine Diamond Journey™ report that is really teaching retailers how to speak the language of the modern generation. It does so by taking them on a fully digitalized and data-based voyage through the[…]

March 2022
February 2022

The link between emotional attachment and higher sales

Are you taking the proper steps to make your business more lucrative and engaging? If you aren’t, it’s about time you consider it. In any city or sizable town, a jewelry store can easily fall into the loop of being one in a million. Jewelry retailers exist not only on nearly every central street, but also in malls by the dozens.