Diamonds are steeped in myth and legend. From the moment diamonds were first discovered, their power and mystery have intrigued us humans. Throughout the centuries, different diamond myths have emerged from different cultures. Even today, with so much scientific knowledge about diamonds at our fingertips, there are various beliefs[…]
Advisor® Tender 1.0: The First Offline Rough Planning Software that Supports Windows 10
Diamond tenders, held in the main diamond trading hubs of the world, are the place where rough diamond traders and manufacturers inspect and purchase rough diamonds. These rough diamonds will be planned and cut for future sale in the polished diamond market.
Blockchain in the Diamond Industry: A Primer for Beginners
The diamond industry has been chattering about blockchain for some years now. In fact, the Everledger company, one of the first to focus on diamonds in the blockchain, was founded back in 2015. It has already tracked 2 million diamonds.
Mother's Day Wrap Up - Do Moms Really Want Diamond Jewelry?
This week, most countries around the world celebrated Mother’s Day, the traditional day of appreciation for moms (and mums). Like many holidays, such as Valentine's Day and Christmas, Mother’s Day has turned into a highly commercialized celebration, a busy time for retailers of flowers, chocolates, and of course, jewelry. In fact,[…]
New Software Version Release: Advisor® 7.5, the Leader in Rough Planning
Last year, we announced the release of Advisor® 7.0, the latest version of the world's leading Advisor rough planning software. Advisor is used globally by diamond planners and manufacturers to achieve the best possible polished yield from rough diamonds.
Guide to Fancy Color Diamonds
Following on from our recent Guide to the 4Cs post, we're going to take a dive into the beautiful world of fancy color diamonds. Diamonds are usually thought of as the crystal clear, white sparkling gemstone so closely associated with love and commitment. But diamonds occur naturally in an entire rainbow of colors. Before we get[…]
How Diamonds Can Change the World – and Not Just Your Marital Status
Recently, diamonds have been a hot topic in science news. Every week, it seems that there is yet another scientific breakthrough showing how diamonds are much more than just a beautiful gemstone. From medicine to deep space and deep earth, diamonds are proving their worth as a powerful agent for change in civilization. From the[…]
4 Diamond Engagement Ring Trends that Will Surprise You
Diamonds have long been associated with engagement and marriage – but perhaps not as long as you think. The diamond engagement ring is in fact a modern, specifically western phenomenon. Diamond rings were first linked to marriage only in the late 1930s, when De Beers hired the NW Ayer advertising agency to convince young women that[…]
Advanced 3D Modeling: A New Edge in Rough Planning
The first step in automated planning of rough diamonds is accurate 3D modelling of the rough diamond surface. Rough diamonds have a complex texture that includes convex and concave surfaces, and are difficult to model accurately. Current technologies for modeling the rough diamond surface are limited in terms of accuracy. They do[…]
How Artificial Intelligence Leads to Smarter Diamond Grading
Are you using artificial intelligence based technology? The chances are strong. According to one survey, 33% of consumers think they are using AI technology, but in fact 77% are.