“The Reinvention of Retail”: recap of the key podcast highlights
In the next installment of the Rapaport Diamond Tech Podcast, the discussion moved downstream to cover the latest trends and transformation in jewelry sales and marketing, with episode four, The Reinvention of Retail.
The Diamond Industry in 2021 – Recovery is Underway
These are not ordinary times. And in the shadow of a global pandemic and a tumultuous economy, consumer behaviors are not ordinary or predictable either. However, there are clear signs pointing towards healthy recovery for the diamond industry, based on continued consumer appreciation for the emotional symbolism of diamonds, a slow[…]
How Artificial Intelligence is Changing Diamond Manufacturing
Machine learning, or artificial intelligence, otherwise known as ML and AI, is rapidly changing the ways that diamonds are graded. As AI seeps into every aspect of modern life, the diamond industry can’t remain untouched, and AI grading technologies are already available at Sarine labs and in a range of diamond reports and tools for[…]
How Machine Learning is Breaking Boundaries in Surprising Industries
A world run by smart robots and artificial intelligence has long been the stuff of science fiction fantasy. However, truth is sometimes stranger than fiction. Recently, Scientific American magazine reported that scientists have come closer to achieving ‘direct brain to brain communication’, connecting a network of human minds to[…]
Blog Series: What the 4Cs Mean in 2020 - Part 1: Intro
In an interview with The New Jeweller magazine, David Block, CEO of Sarine Technologies, said, “When we look at grading reports, we see that the 4Cs does not provide sufficient information for customers today. There can be a 20-40% spread in the reports that similar diamonds receive.”
The issue of inconsistency in diamond grading[…]
SPECTRUM - Diamond Industry News #28
Love is in the air in this edition of SPECTRUM, Sarine’s monthly roundup of diamond industry news and trends. This week, we are celebrating Valentine’s Day with a great piece about how to choose the perfect engagement ring from Good Morning America, and a showcase of 15 gorgeous Valentine’s jewelry gifts, compiled by Business[…]
3 Ways Artificial Intelligence Affects Your Life (That You May Not Be Aware Of)
What is "artificial intelligence"? Since the very beginnings of computerization, the concept of artificial intelligence has captured the imaginations of science fiction writers and movie makers. Today, fantasy is already reality, and artificial intelligence, or AI, is implemented in a wide range of everyday applications and devices.[…]