Today, we’re unquestionably living in an AI-powered world where groundbreaking innovations are continuously popping up and gracing our lives with more convenience, higher potential, and endless possibilities. However, this year is when the technological scale really tips in the direction of advancement. Here are some AI trends in[…]
Top 5 Money-Saving Hacks on Diamond Engagement Rings
Is it about time to start ring shopping? Congratulations! This is undoubtedly the happiest and most exciting time of your life, but probably the most stressful as well. Naturally, you want all wedding-related to go exactly as you imagined and give your partner everything he/she wants and more! But I promise you this- if you follow[…]
Creating a Diamond Ecology for the Future
Brought to You by New Jeweler Magazine: Exclusive Interview With Sarine CEO, Mr. David Block.
Which Technologies Luxury Brands Use To Succeed Revealed
We live in an exciting time where technology is advancing at an exponential rate. There are constantly new developments happening in the technological world, and every industry has been changed and improved by it. No matter the size of your business, technology has both tangible and intangible benefits that can help you increase[…]
“The Reinvention of Retail”: recap of the key podcast highlights
In the next installment of the Rapaport Diamond Tech Podcast, the discussion moved downstream to cover the latest trends and transformation in jewelry sales and marketing, with episode four, The Reinvention of Retail.
The Diamond Industry in 2021 – Recovery is Underway
These are not ordinary times. And in the shadow of a global pandemic and a tumultuous economy, consumer behaviors are not ordinary or predictable either. However, there are clear signs pointing towards healthy recovery for the diamond industry, based on continued consumer appreciation for the emotional symbolism of diamonds, a slow[…]