

July 2022

'Automated Grading and the AI Revolution' Fast-Tracking the Future Webinar Recap

If you aren’t convinced that eGrading plays an essential role in the diamond industry, your opinion is about to be swayed. This recap of the Fast-Tracking the Future webinar’s third installment titled 'Automated Grading and the AI Revolution' delves deep into the role that automated diamond grading plays for the manufacturer and[…]

December 2021

Sarine’s AI technology presents an honest diamond

Beyond its pleasing aesthetic, can you really say that you know your diamond? Think about it. With certainty, what can you actually say about that gemstone wrapped around your ring finger? Sure, the retailer you purchased it from gave you the whole spiel on the diamond’s 4Cs. The same spiel they got from some distant diamond grader.[…]

March 2020

The Future of Diamond Grading

David Block, CEO, Sarine Technologies

Do you remember once upon a time what you had to do if you wanted to watch a movie at home? Remember Blockbuster ?

For those of you who have forgotten, here’s a short recap - get in your car, drive to the neighborhood video rental store, walk among the shelves stacked with video cassettes,[…]